3 tips to Hire the best Mobile home inspectors in town

Mobile homes are popular among home buyers who are looking for affordable housing options. Buying a used mobile home is fairly common among people who are saving for buying a luxury home sometime in the future. Buying a used mobile home requires home buyers to hire the services of an inspector that will help them to better gauge the price of a used mobile home. But before you avail the services of a mobile home inspector, it is important to vet the vendor that provides mobile home inspection services.

Here are four tips that will help you in hiring a competent mobile home inspector.

The Credentials

Credentials are like a stamp of quality on the vendors that provide mobile home inspection services. Most mobile home inspectors will acquire these credentials so as to better equip themselves and provide high quality inspection services to their clients. For inspection of mobile / manufactured homes, Department of Consumer Affairs, California grants a C-47 license to inspectors which ensure that an inspector is equipped with all the knowledge required for thorough inspection of the mobile home.

There is No Substitute of Experience

When hiring the inspector, ask him about how many inspections he has performed in the past and for how long has he been in the business of inspecting mobile homes. A certified inspector with a vast experience is like an icing on cake that can provide valuable insight on the basis of knowledge that he has acquired overtime.

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